Back Talk with Jane Cobler, Physical Therapist


Jane Cobler is a doctor of physical therapy 

I've been a physical therapist for 15 years in the Chicagoland area, clinically treated patients for 12 years, and have since moved into other aspects of the field. As physical therapists, we are clear promoters of good posture. 

Posture is vitally important. It’s the foundation from which you move.

Back is the Most Challenging Area 

Just about every element of physical therapy that I work in addresses posture in patients, working to improve that base. All the movement that your extremities do are based on the center of mass of your body. So, how you carry yourself is extremely important.

The back is one of the most challenging parts of the body to treat. It is responsible for a huge burden on society in terms of disability. Of most of the diagnoses I’ve worked with, back pain and back issues have been a huge detriment and some of the biggest challenges to solve. 

Women's Anatomy & Lifestyle Impacts Posture

With women specifically, we carry more body mass in the front and chest area. Even just the workplace environment: desk work, time spent in front of a laptop, and the greater weight in our front all tend to pull us forward. That becomes a huge contributor to impaired posture.

Generally, there is a lack of information and education for women on how best to achieve improved posture. 

Posture Cues You Can Imagine

Posture bras by Kinflyte

Imagine there is a string or thread from your breast bone that’s pulling you up towards the ceiling. And if you start from that point, from mid-back to chest level - just about everything falls into place. 

We also talk about the thread in the back of the skull pulling your head towards the ceiling, to create the optimal alignment. 

Kinesiology Taping is a Short Term Fix

Kinesio taping and different types of postural taping techniques involve placing a tape structure with some rigidity to it. Using the McConnell taping method, we place it on the skin around the collar bone areas. Or, we'll place in the upper back in the scapula, and create a stiff postural cue, a kinesthetic cue for people to remind them if they move forward, that essentially it stretches and tugs on the skin and creates some discomfort. 

But it’s uncomfortable, and is not a long term solution. You have to have someone behind you taping you every single day. In terms of providing independence in people, that’s a very challenging task with a long-term taping technique.

Kinflyte Creates Body Awareness & Posture Cues

Kinflyte is beautifully designed. This is very comfortable and supportive. I can feel it gently cueing me back in the shoulders. It just moves with you, instead of pulling you. 

Kinflyte provides women with the type of cues that promote good posture. It takes into play the things I've been talking about.

The types of cueing from the right angles essentially create body awareness. It addresses how your body is positioned and spaced to create the optimal posture.

Final Word: Size Inclusivity & Projecting Confidence

One size doesn’t fit all. Being able to provide women with a range of options are important. What you wear should make you feel good in your skin and help promote confidence. Posture, the way you carry yourself, really is an outward reflection of the confidence you carry.